Climate Country Overview for China


Detailed Climate Information for China: Regional Weather Patterns and Data

China, the world's most populous country, boasts a diverse climate that varies from region to region.

China experiences a wide range of climates, from arid deserts in the northwest to humid subtropical regions in the south. The north has cold winters and hot summers, while the south is warm and rainy. The Tibetan Plateau has a highland climate with cold winters and mild summers.

Best Travel Time Guide for China: Ideal Seasons and Weather Insights

The best time to travel to China depends on the region you plan to visit. Spring and autumn are generally pleasant across most of the country. Summer can be hot and rainy in the south, while winter is cold in the north. The Tibetan Plateau is best visited in the summer months.

Detailed Climate in the Regions of China

Climate Chart: Beijing, China
Region East

Beijing, the capital city of China, experiences a continental climate with distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Gaochang (Gobi Desert), China
Gaochang (Gobi Desert)

Gaochang, located in the Gobi Desert in China, experiences extreme weather conditions with scorching summers and freezing winters.

Climate Chart: Chongqing, China
Region Central

Chongqing, a sprawling municipality in southwest China, experiences a subtropical monsoon climate.

Climate Chart: Wuhan, China
Region Central

Wuhan, located in central China, experiences a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Zhengzhou, China
Region Central

Zhengzhou, located in central China, experiences a humid subtropical climate with distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Nanjing, China
Region East

Nanjing, located in eastern China, experiences a humid subtropical climate.

Climate Chart: Suzhou, China
Region East

Suzhou, known for its classical gardens and canals, has a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Shenyang, China
Region North-East

Shenyang experiences a continental monsoon climate with hot and humid summers, cold and dry winters.

Climate Chart: Changsha, China
Region South

Changsha, the capital of Hunan province in central China, experiences a subtropical monsoon climate.

Climate Chart: Dongguan, China
Region South

Dongguan, located in southern China, has a humid subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters.

Climate Chart: Foshan, China
Region South

Foshan, located in southern China, experiences a humid subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters.

Climate Chart: Chengdu, China
Region Central

Chengdu has a humid subtropical climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers.

Climate Chart: Xi'an, China
Region Central

Xi'an, located in central China, experiences a continental monsoon climate with distinctive four seasons.

Climate Chart: Shanghai, China
Region East

Shanghai experiences a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Dalian, China
Region East

Dalian, located in northeastern China, experiences a temperate continental climate.

Climate Chart: Hangzhou, China
Region East

Hangzhou, located in eastern China, experiences a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Tianjin, China
Region East

Tianjin has a humid subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters.

Climate Chart: Qingdao, China
Region East

Qingdao, located in eastern China, experiences a temperate monsoon climate.

Climate Chart: Guangzhou, China
Region South

Guangzhou, located in southern China, experiences a humid subtropical climate with hot, wet summers and mild, dry winters.

Climate Chart: Shenzhen, China
Region South

Shenzhen, located in southern China, has a subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters.

Climate Chart: Zhuhai, China
Region South

Zhuhai, located in southern China, experiences a humid subtropical climate with hot and humid summers and mild, dry winters.

Climate Chart: Guilin, China
Region South

Guilin enjoys a humid subtropical climate with four distinct seasons.

Climate Chart: Xiamen, China
Region South-East

Xiamen experiences a subtropical monsoon climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers.